References: Birds Of Paradise
Join us for a drawing session this Tuesday 16th of July at 15:00 CEST
Hi everyone,
Here is all of the information for our next drawing session! This month we are drawing tropical nature, and our session will be Birds Of Paradise. It was difficult to find good reference pictures, but then I remembered seeing a documentary once where a person waited for months to shoot a video of these birds :)
You can see how they behave in these videos, they have many ways to do courtship dances:
This manakin bird is not a bird of Paradise but it still dances magnificently like Michael Jackson :) (skip to 2:25 for the dance)
When is the session?
Tuesday 16th of July - 15:00 (3 PM) CEST Amsterdam Time. Sign up below via Luma or use the Zoom link.
What are we drawing?
We’re drawing from a selection of pictures showing birds of paradise
We’ll do some longer timings I think, because they have quite a lot of fancy feathers.
I’m planning to do some collage!